Wednesday, June 3, 2015


To add insult to injury, turns out I'm allergic to sulfa.  The allergy manifests as hives and swollen, painful joints.  Fun on its own, I'm sure, but I had spent the day clearing brush ... at some point I must have twisted my ankle a little and strained the ligaments.  The sulfa allergy took that minor strain and turned it into a one-legged-lame, wake-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night pain.  

So before the doc yesterday, I looked like a one-footed leper who'd been in a fist fight.

After the doc and a shot of dex, I look like a slightly gimpy, less itchy leper who's been in a fist fight.

But at least things are on the upswing.  I get to see my pony tonight, if only to feed and fly spray, because I'm still in early days on healing bone, and that always means I'm in need of sleep.  Matt calls it the regenerative coma.  :)


  1. Hope you are feeling better and Matt is right, need those tiny regeneration bots to do their work when you are asleep

    1. Where are the nanobots when I need them? Where is the future?! :)

  2. Replies
    1. It's kind of awful. I don't think I'll be taking THAT again! (I removed the duplicates of this :) )

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  5. actually a regenerative coma sounds pretty good right now! hope you're feeling back to 100% soon!

  6. Your characteristic fantastic luck. Sigh. Hope you're on the mend for real now.

  7. Bah! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
