- Ride in each Test of Choice night (April-September) Not achieved. I did scribe for most of them, though, and learn a lot. The ones I did ride in went mostly well.
Ride USDF Training Level, test 1and USEF Beginner Novice tests A and B in Test of Choice nights successfully Partially achieved. Forwarding to this year.Start jumping!!!Compete in Event Derby Cross Rails classes at minimum, preferably Intro to Beginner NoviceCross Rails done and succeeded. Intro, no. This year.Participate in each pre-derby jumping clinic- Join IDEA and earn end-of-year award Er, no. Forwarding to this year. Turns out I don't need to be an IDEA member to get a high point award for the derbies. :)
- Have MT take Reveille to off-site show No, because I did it myself!
Take Reveille to off-site show myself, with no mishaps- Get Reveille flexible and supple laterally In progress. Much much better.
- Begin process of longitudinal suppling Also in progress, with great success.
I'd like to talk to MT or TW about this, but ... I don't know if I can, really. We'll see.