"Best day EVER!"
I.e. the day stall rest ends. :) He promptly rolled in the muddiest mud he could find - which is pretty dang muddy, because we got a lot of rain last night - and ruined all the work I did on him while he was on stall rest. Alas. He'll just shed out that much faster when I groom the dried mud off.
I have the Peruvian Death Flu right now, so I didn't ride to see how his hocks feel now, but I'm looking forward to doing so as soon as I can hold up my head. (Okay, maybe a little overdramatic, but I do feel like crap, far too much like crap to do anything more than the necessary barn chores and then crash out.)
Still, I think he'll be much happier with the injections.
I got to hop on a borrowed horse on Sunday and go hack around the local XC course. The horse was a sweet guy, and I made new friends, which is always a good thing. :) Nothing was jumped, but that was okay. I'm happy to have gone and seen the facility - now when I take Apollo we won't BOTH be new to it. It's always nice when one of us can really, truly be confident, as opposed to my usual "um, sure. Yes, horse, we are totally okay. I think. Aren't we?" when I'm uncertain or in a totally new place for the first time. Gotta get over that.
Anyway - off to rest the Peruvian Death Flu. Updates as events warrant ... :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
BLOG HOP! And updates. (TL;DR, I know.)
BLOG HOP TIME!! woop woop
1. Most influential person on your riding?
On my riding? Gary Mittleider. Before I moved back to Idaho with Reveille in tow, I thought I could ride reasonably well. Not wonderfully, but competently. How very, very wrong I was. Gary took the hot mess I (and Reveille) was and did his very best to help me and her learn to ride and be ridden. I sort of learned how, and then I got Apollo. Things started to change quickly at that point. I still hear Gary's voice in my head when I ride, even 16 months after I left Idaho. Even yesterday: "Okay, what happens when you soften?" "He softens." "Right. So soften." :)
2. Piece of tack you would love to splurge on?
Does it have to be tack? Because I pretty much have the tack I need now. (teaser!) What I would really like to splurge on is a trailer. Aluminum, 2 horse straight load, dressing room, closeable windows, etc.
Alternatively, I could use a new pair of tall boots. I love my Mountain Horse boots, but they're too big, both in the foot and in the calf. I am much smaller than I was when I bought them, and I can slip them on and off without unzipping them. I could also use a new pair of paddock boots; my Dublins (which I do like) have come apart at the heel seams.
3. Top 5 riding playlist?
Uh. I don't ride with music very often any more. Sometimes, but rarely. I like to use it to keep rhythm during trot sets or other "working on rhythm" workouts. Let's see ... my Ride playlist, on random:
Where Did You Sleep Last Night - Nirvana
Spanish Ladies - Celticopia
The Obvious Child - Paul Simon (excellent for trot sets!)
Fiction (Dreams in Digital) - Orgy
Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing - Chris Isaak
4. Most important aspect of your barn?
Not sure what this is asking for. The most important to me? It's my enterprise. I'm not the owner, but I'm the manager of horse care. So the things I'm picky about are stalls and keeping things tidy and organized. I want to be able to lay my hands on a thing the moment I want it, not have to look around. I want my stuff to stay clean if I put it away clean. Like feed-soaking buckets. How damn hard is it to rinse the things once you've used them? You don't even need to use much water - just a little, swish it around to get the stuff that sticks to the sides out, and then you can even dump that water in the next bucket! Imagine!
Ahem. Yes. Also? The arena. I so want to get it sorted and fixed. And then eventually covered. This "no riding when rain" sucks.
5. Three winter riding goals?
Well ... easy. Ride, ride, and ride. In all seriousness, there are a couple things that have held me back this winter. First, the arena. Long story short, the toe boards didn't go in correctly the first time, which caused the footing to wash out. Now we need to take up all the toe boards, install heavy-duty landscape fabric, reinstall the toe boards correctly, replace the footing, and then get and spread a bunch more footing to replace the stuff that washed out.
The arena in question. See how the toe boards are floated on top of the footing instead of down at the base? That's what we're fixing. |
Second, Apollo himself. He's been very, very bitchy about engaging and loading his hocks. It's understandable - he did race, and he's done some jumping since, and he did get that nasty wound right after I got him. Still, engaging and carrying through the hocks is really required for the things we want to do, and it's made life difficult for us both over fences and in dressage. So - he's having his hocks injected on Friday, hallelujah. Then a bunch of days of stall rest, then back to work.
We can do many things. Plus, I'm pretty sure I look better than this now. |
Last, I went through a tough spell there for a while, emotionally and physically. Work got done, but no riding.
So yes. My goals are to ride, to ride, and to ride. My eventual goal is to get to just one recognized event this year - if not more. Preferably more. So I need to get on the stick and work on getting us fit and ready to go! We're missing a few shows already because of the hock and arena issues. My teacher and I were discussing goals, and she said that I should shoot for AECs next year, because my "horse is a winner." I melt - someone believes in my horse! :D
My own, personal goal for me and Apollo is to complete the BN3DE at Heart of the Carolinas in 2017. Maybe we'll be ready for a Novice by then, but for our first full long format, let's not push it, eh?
So, as mentioned, Apollo hasn't had to do much lately, mostly because he is really uncomfortable through those hocks when I ask him to work them. I'm sure that a more committed person or a better disciplined person would have found a way, but ... as mentioned, I was having some emotional issues. The vet comes out Friday to do the hock injections, and I am really, really excited.
The goal - MY goal - is to get the arena fixed by the time Apollo's off stall rest. This requires cooperation and assistance from WC, the husband of the property owner couple, and that the Rototiller be fixed. He took it to the shop, so with any luck, it'll be done soon.
I did take Apollo out for a hack yesterday, thinking a calm walk would be good for him, get him moving without having to really load the hocks or anything. Just ... walk. Long, slow miles, to quote Denny. Alas ...
Don't be fooled. This is the face of a rotten beast. A naughty pony. |
The other boarder and I took the TBs out to the pasture and commenced the walk. Her guy was a little up, Apollo was rather nervous; I thought I had Apollo pretty well in hand. I was tense, though, and apparently that was all it took for the recycling pick-up truck to turn into a TERRIBLE MONSTER. Apollo bucked, he crowhopped ... I said "fuck" and went over his shoulder. Bad, bad rider; that shouldn't have gotten me off. I decided I wasn't going to salvage it and let myself fall. Not the least bit of damage, but ... Apollo wasn't getting off that easy. We went and worked in the teeny-tiny arena by the barn. We might have just walked, but by God it was the walk I dictated, with bend, and carrying as best he could in the mud with ouchy hocks. The other boarder came back too, also dismounted - I said "Oh no! Not you too?!" She hadn't gotten dumped, but it was apparently a near thing.
So ... either walks around his pasture or in the tiny arena only. If it isn't raining. And even then I worry a bit. Meh. Must not let fear take over. Mindkiller and all, yknow?
Also ... I have done it. I have en-saddled myself! I had thought I would be able to buy a friend's saddle, but as it turned out, hay, vet bills, etc. ate up the money I had. I had thought to maybe buy Nicku's old saddle; Nicku, did your friend buy it? :)
Anyway, as it turned out ... I found the saddle I wanted at a price I couldn't have beaten if I'd tried. It's a Wolfgang Solo by Custom Saddlery; it's the smooth leather Signature one. Obviously not new, either, but new enough. I am so stupid excited, I can't even tell you. I can show you:
Black leather love! Okay, that sounded weird. You know what I meant. |
I am so going to plop it on Apollo tomorrow and see how it fits - I have an appointment pending with my lovely saddle fitter, English Saddle Fit in TN, and she'll fit it perfectly to him. Meanwhile, I dunno if I can stay out of it! I have stirrup leathers coming tomorrow, and Compositi Reflex stirrups soon:
I might end up putting these on the jump saddle and using the flex stirrups on the dressage saddle; we'll see. But for a day, who cares if my leathers are brown and the saddle is black?? Must ... ride ... new ... saddle ...
And last topic: Apollo is looking way better. No ribs (in this photo he's holding himself a bit oddly, not actually ribby), starting to come back with a topline - although I know he needs a lot more work, he's coming back.
January 25, 2016 |
As a comparison, this is what he looked like in May. Ribby, too bony in the spine, not shiny.
I thought he had a jumper's bump, but no - indeed not. That's something else entirely. He just needed updated feed (to Healthy Edge for pelleted feed and alfalfa added to his hay routine) and work. Hooray! I'll check in on his progress again in May. :)
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Calling All Tack Hos!
Hey! I know I have friends out there who are devoted tack hos, and I know for sure I have friends of friends who are! Y'all are bargain tack hunters extraordinaire, so I'm hoping you can help me out.
I'm looking for a few things used, in good condition, for good prices. I'm not as awesome at finding the deals, so I thought I'd throw this out there.
What I need most of all is a black, monocrown, cob size, Five Star Tack headstall. I'd buy the whole bridle for the right price, but what I really need is the headstall. My dressage bridle has a torn keeper on the throatlatch from where I had it ensmallened (totally a word!) for Apollo's delicate little head, and it's not going to be an easy fix. Plus, a smaller headstall would be fantastic.
The next thing I'm looking for is a 22-24", black, leather, elastic on both ends, anatomic, dressage girth. I'd prefer the Total Saddle Fit one, but I'm open to suggestion.
Can anybody out there help me work some magic? I've checked ebay, of course, and struck out there. Where else should I be looking? Do you have any lines on either of these things?
Help me, internet tack hos. You're my only hope.
I'm looking for a few things used, in good condition, for good prices. I'm not as awesome at finding the deals, so I thought I'd throw this out there.
What I need most of all is a black, monocrown, cob size, Five Star Tack headstall. I'd buy the whole bridle for the right price, but what I really need is the headstall. My dressage bridle has a torn keeper on the throatlatch from where I had it ensmallened (totally a word!) for Apollo's delicate little head, and it's not going to be an easy fix. Plus, a smaller headstall would be fantastic.
The next thing I'm looking for is a 22-24", black, leather, elastic on both ends, anatomic, dressage girth. I'd prefer the Total Saddle Fit one, but I'm open to suggestion.
Can anybody out there help me work some magic? I've checked ebay, of course, and struck out there. Where else should I be looking? Do you have any lines on either of these things?
Help me, internet tack hos. You're my only hope.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Christmas Wish (really, wishing, not actually thinking it'll happen) List!
HolyBully asked what's on our horsey Christmas wish lists ... weeeeelllll, I guess, if you're asking ... :)
More than anything, this 18" Hennig Sofa with short flaps at Maryland Tack Exchange:
A Hennig. With short flaps. And an adjustable gullet (by a saddle fitter; I happen to know an excellent one at English Saddle Fit in TN!!). And a seat size I fit in. And in a price range I could conceivably swing, if I ignored what I should do and did what I want to do with money that's supposed to be coming in any.day.now.
Like, this is the unicorn of saddles. MT has one that somehow, magically, fit almost any horse and almost any rider. I loved it when I got to ride in it. I am so tired of trying to ride in a correct dressage seat in my jump saddle - which is lovely and perfect for jumping! - and I am anxious to get a new dressage saddle. This new-to-me dressage saddle.
I'll need a new set of black 48" stirrup leathers; child-size to go with the short flaps, of course.
And another set of stirrups; might as well go with the neato ones! I might swap these onto my jump saddle and put the flex stirrups on the dressage saddle, but ... nah. These on the dressage. Maybe. If I tend to lose them the same way I did in my other saddle. But these are the lowest priority; I have other irons I can use until I get the pretties.
Other than that ... my sister already got me a needed item: a new medium-weight turnout for Apollo! Hooray! He'll be wearing it tomorrow.
I'd love to have a stable blanket for him, actually, so his turnouts can dry overnight if needed.
And a show coat. A Kerrits Kompetitor's Koat, or a FITS Zephyr coat. Yknow ... something that I can wear in the heat and humidity without dying.
And a good raincoat. Because apparently, based on my teacher's posts and other friends' posts, it rains at every horse show. I'm going to have to get used to jumping in the rain. :/
And several long sleeve technical, sweat-wicking tops. A few short sleeve, but several long sleeve. Because sweat happens even when I need a long sleeve shirt.
So that's my horsey wish list. What's on yours? :)
More than anything, this 18" Hennig Sofa with short flaps at Maryland Tack Exchange:

A Hennig. With short flaps. And an adjustable gullet (by a saddle fitter; I happen to know an excellent one at English Saddle Fit in TN!!). And a seat size I fit in. And in a price range I could conceivably swing, if I ignored what I should do and did what I want to do with money that's supposed to be coming in any.day.now.
Like, this is the unicorn of saddles. MT has one that somehow, magically, fit almost any horse and almost any rider. I loved it when I got to ride in it. I am so tired of trying to ride in a correct dressage seat in my jump saddle - which is lovely and perfect for jumping! - and I am anxious to get a new dressage saddle. This new-to-me dressage saddle.
I'll need a new set of black 48" stirrup leathers; child-size to go with the short flaps, of course.
And another set of stirrups; might as well go with the neato ones! I might swap these onto my jump saddle and put the flex stirrups on the dressage saddle, but ... nah. These on the dressage. Maybe. If I tend to lose them the same way I did in my other saddle. But these are the lowest priority; I have other irons I can use until I get the pretties.
I sold the girth, too, so a 22" Total Shoulder Fit girth to go with it:
Other than that ... my sister already got me a needed item: a new medium-weight turnout for Apollo! Hooray! He'll be wearing it tomorrow.
I'd love to have a stable blanket for him, actually, so his turnouts can dry overnight if needed.
And a show coat. A Kerrits Kompetitor's Koat, or a FITS Zephyr coat. Yknow ... something that I can wear in the heat and humidity without dying.
And a good raincoat. Because apparently, based on my teacher's posts and other friends' posts, it rains at every horse show. I'm going to have to get used to jumping in the rain. :/
And several long sleeve technical, sweat-wicking tops. A few short sleeve, but several long sleeve. Because sweat happens even when I need a long sleeve shirt.
So that's my horsey wish list. What's on yours? :)
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Inspired/Reminded by Chasing the Dream:
So I was reading through my blogroll, and I was reminded by Checkmark115 at Chasing the Dream of two things. First, that I hadn't talked much about Apollo's relatively recent development:
He hates, hates the trailer I have available to me.
Like rearing and bolting when I tried to load him a while ago kind of hate.
This is SO unusual for this horse - he's so easygoing. But after the first trip in the trailer, from my first barn here to Council Creek back in January, he decided he hated the thing. The second time I tried to load him, we'd pulled the trailer into the drive, outside of the pasture where it usually lives. He was hesitant and a little difficult, but we got him in with the longe whip. After that, he got worse and worse. I tried to load him and not tie him - nope, he flailed and bashed his head and freaked further. I tried to load him and tie him but not close the divider - nope, flailed and freaked out.
I gave it a break for a while, then in late September started working on trailer training without any time pressure or place to actually go. That was the full-on rear, many bolt, very leap, so pull back episode. This was about 3 weeks before I got married, btw, and of course, I managed to sprain? break? somehow damage my left ring finger in the process. Sigh. Clearly I needed to change my approach, which had been punishing him for doing the wrong thing and praising him for doing the right thing.
I'd put a stud chain on his halter at first, but I realized I could use it better - instead of pulling on it to say "don't do that," which upset him a lot, I just let it do its thing when he pulled. I changed my mind and attitude to be just patient - I decided I had all the time in the world, nothing he could do would freak me out or scare me (I did put my helmet on, though, just in case), and he would end up on the trailer. Whenever. We had time. So the chain went on, I led him up to the trailer, he halted, I let the chain be a little tight, I kept my back to him and kept the pressure but didn't pull, and as soon as he stepped forward again I loosened the chain and praised. Lather, rinse, repeat. The first time it took 30-40 minutes to get him loaded, clipped in, and divider closed, and the "lather" part was literal.
The second time, 15 minutes, no lather.
Third time, 10 minutes, no lather.
Thursday, 5 minutes, no lather. It took more like 10 minutes, maybe 15, to load him back up at NT's place, but it was a low-key 10-15 minutes rather than a panicked shitshow, so I'll take it. There was a lot going on, and it was dinnertime at NT's, so I can't really be too upset with Apollo not wanting to load. Maybe I should be - yes, horses SHOULD be obedient and quiet at all times, and loading is important - but upset doesn't get me anywhere, as we've seen. I also did it by myself, rather than having to ask for help. That's actually really important to me, that I be able to load my horse myself, because I don't often have people with me any more. So more calm, patient loading work seems to be in order, but I am pleased with how well he's come along.
The second thing ... I'm going to leave that for another day, because I need motivation to blog! :) Hint: it's made of leather.
He hates, hates the trailer I have available to me.
Like rearing and bolting when I tried to load him a while ago kind of hate.
This is SO unusual for this horse - he's so easygoing. But after the first trip in the trailer, from my first barn here to Council Creek back in January, he decided he hated the thing. The second time I tried to load him, we'd pulled the trailer into the drive, outside of the pasture where it usually lives. He was hesitant and a little difficult, but we got him in with the longe whip. After that, he got worse and worse. I tried to load him and not tie him - nope, he flailed and bashed his head and freaked further. I tried to load him and tie him but not close the divider - nope, flailed and freaked out.
I gave it a break for a while, then in late September started working on trailer training without any time pressure or place to actually go. That was the full-on rear, many bolt, very leap, so pull back episode. This was about 3 weeks before I got married, btw, and of course, I managed to sprain? break? somehow damage my left ring finger in the process. Sigh. Clearly I needed to change my approach, which had been punishing him for doing the wrong thing and praising him for doing the right thing.
I'd put a stud chain on his halter at first, but I realized I could use it better - instead of pulling on it to say "don't do that," which upset him a lot, I just let it do its thing when he pulled. I changed my mind and attitude to be just patient - I decided I had all the time in the world, nothing he could do would freak me out or scare me (I did put my helmet on, though, just in case), and he would end up on the trailer. Whenever. We had time. So the chain went on, I led him up to the trailer, he halted, I let the chain be a little tight, I kept my back to him and kept the pressure but didn't pull, and as soon as he stepped forward again I loosened the chain and praised. Lather, rinse, repeat. The first time it took 30-40 minutes to get him loaded, clipped in, and divider closed, and the "lather" part was literal.
The second time, 15 minutes, no lather.
Third time, 10 minutes, no lather.
Thursday, 5 minutes, no lather. It took more like 10 minutes, maybe 15, to load him back up at NT's place, but it was a low-key 10-15 minutes rather than a panicked shitshow, so I'll take it. There was a lot going on, and it was dinnertime at NT's, so I can't really be too upset with Apollo not wanting to load. Maybe I should be - yes, horses SHOULD be obedient and quiet at all times, and loading is important - but upset doesn't get me anywhere, as we've seen. I also did it by myself, rather than having to ask for help. That's actually really important to me, that I be able to load my horse myself, because I don't often have people with me any more. So more calm, patient loading work seems to be in order, but I am pleased with how well he's come along.
The second thing ... I'm going to leave that for another day, because I need motivation to blog! :) Hint: it's made of leather.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Say this with a straight face, I dare you.
So we have a boarder committed to coming out to our barn - yay! I think she'll be a great fit when she finds her horse and moves in. I'm excited about it - it'll be nice to have someone to ride with, and she's got a great attitude. Another boarder might come board with us, but no commitment yet. I'm pretty pleased; more work for me = income! And healthier me, and income for the property owners, et cetera. The barn is, as always, a work in progress, but it's definitely workable and cool.
I took Apollo up to NT's yesterday, where we had a very fun, productive lesson. We didn't jump high at all - it was all about communication and adjustability in stride and gait. Apollo has been really stiff lately through his jaw, shoulder, and hip, so we worked hard on that by doing a lot of bending on circles before we started jumping, then asking for clear bend in the corners when jumping lines. Eventually, Apollo released, and we could move the focus to getting me to take the emergency brake off and encourage him to come on a bigger, freer stride.
I discovered that the key to coming through the course well was having Apollo round and engaged in the Very First Corner - which, of course, I knew intellectually but hadn't really learned physically. And then, after that first line, I needed to really swing my hips and allow him to keep cantering forward and freely instead of locking my seat up and putting that brake on. Finally, once we got the brake off, I felt like I was back in the place I was when I left Idaho. I felt like I had control and confidence and calm, despite Apollo shouting "Vive la resistance!" at every opportunity. Must, MUST go up much more often for lessons!!
Amusing: for a clinic with Sinead Halpin, the working students had set up a vertical with dressage letter cones under it. The cones spelled SPAM. No new phenomenon - at Aspen Farms, they often have a jump with their letters and spell ASPEN. :) So in K's lesson before mine, NT would say "okay, canter up the 3-stride cavaletti line, then the crossrail, then the vertical in the middle, then go all the way around and come up over SPAM." However ... when a friend of the barn, who has a wicked sense of humor, came out and watched for a bit, she rearranged the letters a bit and added R and M. For my lesson, I got "okay, canter up the 3-stride cavaletti line, then the crossrail, then the vertical in the middle, then go all the way around and come up over SPERM."
*dies laughing*
Apollo gave the cones a hard look on the first approach, much like he did in a lesson with Gary one summer, when he would. not. go. over. a vertical with black dressage-fence-pipe-holders under it. But this time, I just sat up, put my leg ON, and told him GO. And he went. :) SPERM ain't no thang, people.
I took Apollo up to NT's yesterday, where we had a very fun, productive lesson. We didn't jump high at all - it was all about communication and adjustability in stride and gait. Apollo has been really stiff lately through his jaw, shoulder, and hip, so we worked hard on that by doing a lot of bending on circles before we started jumping, then asking for clear bend in the corners when jumping lines. Eventually, Apollo released, and we could move the focus to getting me to take the emergency brake off and encourage him to come on a bigger, freer stride.
I discovered that the key to coming through the course well was having Apollo round and engaged in the Very First Corner - which, of course, I knew intellectually but hadn't really learned physically. And then, after that first line, I needed to really swing my hips and allow him to keep cantering forward and freely instead of locking my seat up and putting that brake on. Finally, once we got the brake off, I felt like I was back in the place I was when I left Idaho. I felt like I had control and confidence and calm, despite Apollo shouting "Vive la resistance!" at every opportunity. Must, MUST go up much more often for lessons!!
Amusing: for a clinic with Sinead Halpin, the working students had set up a vertical with dressage letter cones under it. The cones spelled SPAM. No new phenomenon - at Aspen Farms, they often have a jump with their letters and spell ASPEN. :) So in K's lesson before mine, NT would say "okay, canter up the 3-stride cavaletti line, then the crossrail, then the vertical in the middle, then go all the way around and come up over SPAM." However ... when a friend of the barn, who has a wicked sense of humor, came out and watched for a bit, she rearranged the letters a bit and added R and M. For my lesson, I got "okay, canter up the 3-stride cavaletti line, then the crossrail, then the vertical in the middle, then go all the way around and come up over SPERM."
*dies laughing*
Apollo gave the cones a hard look on the first approach, much like he did in a lesson with Gary one summer, when he would. not. go. over. a vertical with black dressage-fence-pipe-holders under it. But this time, I just sat up, put my leg ON, and told him GO. And he went. :) SPERM ain't no thang, people.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Brief thoughts on horsekeeping
1. Comparing horse keeping to mommy wars is insulting and inaccurate. Insisting that stalls be cleaned daily instead of weekly isn't prissy - it's basic health. Poop or pee in stall? Take it out. Period. It's like not changing your kid's diaper but once a day.
2. Flake shavings - we hates them forever, precious. Yes, they *look* all fluffy and soft to human eyes, but they're difficult to clean, and they don't provide any more soft places to sleep than a more horse-friendly bedding. Like pellets. We love pellets, precious. They clean easily, are soft, last a long time, and compost well. They don't look golden and fluffy, but I swear, they're a better choice. Especially for a barn that doesn't have a big shed where truckloads of sawdust or fine shavings can be dumped. Pellets store easily.
3. Yes, we do have mice, despite the cat's best efforts. If you leave bags of grain out, they will get nibbled. We have a chest freezer for your very own grain storage; I know it might take a minute of thought on how to arrange the bags of grain in it so all five fit, but I swear it can be done. Even without opening the bags and just storing the grain in the freezer.
4. Those who say it can't be done should probably get out of the way of the person doing it.
5. Logic is good, mmkay? Woo-woo has its place, but that place is after thinking rationally and functionally.
2. Flake shavings - we hates them forever, precious. Yes, they *look* all fluffy and soft to human eyes, but they're difficult to clean, and they don't provide any more soft places to sleep than a more horse-friendly bedding. Like pellets. We love pellets, precious. They clean easily, are soft, last a long time, and compost well. They don't look golden and fluffy, but I swear, they're a better choice. Especially for a barn that doesn't have a big shed where truckloads of sawdust or fine shavings can be dumped. Pellets store easily.
3. Yes, we do have mice, despite the cat's best efforts. If you leave bags of grain out, they will get nibbled. We have a chest freezer for your very own grain storage; I know it might take a minute of thought on how to arrange the bags of grain in it so all five fit, but I swear it can be done. Even without opening the bags and just storing the grain in the freezer.
4. Those who say it can't be done should probably get out of the way of the person doing it.
5. Logic is good, mmkay? Woo-woo has its place, but that place is after thinking rationally and functionally.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Tae Kwon LEAP
All righty - I'm going to use this little survey as a springboard to get myself back into blogging! So, survey, and then a few updates on the state of the 'Pollo Pony. :)
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
1. Rinsie
2. Rinz / Linds
3. Hon
4. Babygirl
Four jobs I've had:
1. Programmer
2. Editor
3. Technical Writer
4. Technical Support Analyst
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Clue
2. Real Genius
3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original)
4. A Room With A View
Four books I'd recommend:
1. Dune by Frank Herbert
2. The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
3. Young Men and Fire by Norman McLean
4. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Four places I've lived:
1. Atlanta, GA
2. Kuna, ID
3. Saratoga, CA
4. Austin, TX
Four places I've visited:
1. Guatemala
2. London
3. Machynlleth, Wales
4. San Juan Islands, Canada/WA
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Bed
2. Barn
3. Road Less Traveled Eventing, Lenoir City TN
4. Mittleider Eventing, Kuna ID
Four things I'd rather not eat:
1. Bell peppers. Love hot peppers, bell peppers are gross.
2. Boeuf Bourgignon
3. Hot dogs
4. Capers
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pesto
2. My mom's chocolate chip cookies
3. Seafood in general; low country boils and sushi in particular
4. Dim sum
Four TV shows I watch:(recommend, really)
1. Firefly
2. Criminal Minds
3. Daredevil
4. The Flash
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
1. Going home for Christmas
2. Riding a lot
3. Things getting better at work (or the alternative)
4. A new dressage saddle
Four things I say a lot:
1. Okay, good deal.
2. Oh, for shit's sake!
3. What a good [boy / girl]!
4. Hm. I don't know. I'll have to get back to you on that one.
So at last update, we'd just diagnosed Apollo with mild navicular in his RF. He then spent two weeks up at NT's while I was away on a work trip. He got fed and fed and fed, and NT rode him for the two weeks. He ALSO got a bodywork appointment, which was awesome. The upshot of this two weeks was that he came back all tuned up, much stronger and more muscled, albeit with terribly past their shoe-by date feet. Ready to rock and roll!
Then, while trying to load him up to take him on a trail ride at a friend's barn, he got stupid, unseated his RH shoe, and *stomped* on the clip and nail. Blood (his), tears (mine ... okay, I'm exaggerating), whole nine yards. (Sparing you the photo.) I got it clean and wrapped up immediately, which I think saved me an abscess from hell. My excellent farrier came by a few days later, trimmed him, and shod him with pads and soft packing up front to cushion that navicular and prevent any development of the same in the LF.
NT came out for a lesson, since she was in the area, and I had an asthma attack. Less than fun.
But we've been working on getting him pushing from behind, really engaging his hocks and getting that inside hind to really track up. This is our constant battle, honestly. I feel like he might benefit from hock injections or from something like Adequan, but right now the next two things on the Buy list are hay and stall mats/bedding. So I ride him with a huge emphasis on that power and push on the flat, and I'm working a lot of gymnastics and Circle of Death for jumping exercises. Power and push for him, position for me.
I'm down to one saddle now. I sold both Collegiates, jump and dressage, in the last week. The money goes into the New Dressage Saddle fund. I have about half-ish of what I need for a nice used saddle now, and any minute now I'm expecting paychecks for freelance work. Anybody who wishes to contribute may contact me directly. *grin*
We also finally have the arena up and running! Lovely thing. There are some tweaks to make - like putting some landscaping fabric around the kick board so that the (#@*&% footing doesn't run out when it rains ...
Harrowing the arena is both easier and harder than I expected. I have to admit that the tractor is kind of intimidating. It's old and a bit rickety, and it takes holding your mouth right and the wind blowing north-north-west (like madness) to get it to lift the bucket, drop the arm, go into neutral, etc. Just when I thought I had gotten the hang of it, this happens:
I'm really hoping for a four-wheeler or something instead; tractors be scary, yo.
That's all I have for the moment. I'll try to be better about updating, but no promises. :)
Four names that people call me other than my real name:
1. Rinsie
2. Rinz / Linds
3. Hon
4. Babygirl
Four jobs I've had:
1. Programmer
2. Editor
3. Technical Writer
4. Technical Support Analyst
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Clue
2. Real Genius
3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original)
4. A Room With A View
Four books I'd recommend:
1. Dune by Frank Herbert
2. The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
3. Young Men and Fire by Norman McLean
4. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Four places I've lived:
1. Atlanta, GA
2. Kuna, ID
3. Saratoga, CA
4. Austin, TX
Four places I've visited:
1. Guatemala
2. London
3. Machynlleth, Wales
4. San Juan Islands, Canada/WA
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Bed
2. Barn
3. Road Less Traveled Eventing, Lenoir City TN
4. Mittleider Eventing, Kuna ID
Four things I'd rather not eat:
1. Bell peppers. Love hot peppers, bell peppers are gross.
2. Boeuf Bourgignon
3. Hot dogs
4. Capers
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pesto
2. My mom's chocolate chip cookies
3. Seafood in general; low country boils and sushi in particular
4. Dim sum
Four TV shows I watch:(recommend, really)
1. Firefly
2. Criminal Minds
3. Daredevil
4. The Flash
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
1. Going home for Christmas
2. Riding a lot
3. Things getting better at work (or the alternative)
4. A new dressage saddle
Four things I say a lot:
1. Okay, good deal.
2. Oh, for shit's sake!
3. What a good [boy / girl]!
4. Hm. I don't know. I'll have to get back to you on that one.
So at last update, we'd just diagnosed Apollo with mild navicular in his RF. He then spent two weeks up at NT's while I was away on a work trip. He got fed and fed and fed, and NT rode him for the two weeks. He ALSO got a bodywork appointment, which was awesome. The upshot of this two weeks was that he came back all tuned up, much stronger and more muscled, albeit with terribly past their shoe-by date feet. Ready to rock and roll!
![]() |
drooooooooooool don't stop ever |
NT came out for a lesson, since she was in the area, and I had an asthma attack. Less than fun.
But we've been working on getting him pushing from behind, really engaging his hocks and getting that inside hind to really track up. This is our constant battle, honestly. I feel like he might benefit from hock injections or from something like Adequan, but right now the next two things on the Buy list are hay and stall mats/bedding. So I ride him with a huge emphasis on that power and push on the flat, and I'm working a lot of gymnastics and Circle of Death for jumping exercises. Power and push for him, position for me.
I'm down to one saddle now. I sold both Collegiates, jump and dressage, in the last week. The money goes into the New Dressage Saddle fund. I have about half-ish of what I need for a nice used saddle now, and any minute now I'm expecting paychecks for freelance work. Anybody who wishes to contribute may contact me directly. *grin*
HOW many horses have you got in there?? Where do they all fit?? |
We also finally have the arena up and running! Lovely thing. There are some tweaks to make - like putting some landscaping fabric around the kick board so that the (#@*&% footing doesn't run out when it rains ...
Arena! |
Harrowing the arena is both easier and harder than I expected. I have to admit that the tractor is kind of intimidating. It's old and a bit rickety, and it takes holding your mouth right and the wind blowing north-north-west (like madness) to get it to lift the bucket, drop the arm, go into neutral, etc. Just when I thought I had gotten the hang of it, this happens:
I was wondering why it felt funny. |
I'm really hoping for a four-wheeler or something instead; tractors be scary, yo.
That's all I have for the moment. I'll try to be better about updating, but no promises. :)
LOOK AT MAH SEXAY HORSE! LOOOOOOK! Seriously, he's looking way better than he was, even though he's filthy in this pic. |
Friday, July 17, 2015
The verdict on horse stress.
So as it turns out, my horse stress was a little warranted. Apollo came up lame two weeks ago on Sunday, when I'd taken him up to NT's over the Fourth. I jumped to hot nail or abscess, since he'd just been shod that Friday. Farrier came out, pulled the heel nails in his RF, and I scheduled the vet to come do radiographs - if it was an abscess, I felt like he'd abscessed a few times on that foot already, so it was time to see what was what.
He was rather sounder on Wednesday for the vet but not totally sound, so hot nail was the diagnosis. Rads didn't show any abscessing, buuuuuut ... he does have mild navicular disease in that RF.
Sigh. Now, navicular isn't the doom it was 20 years ago, but it's not nothing either. Fortunately it's mild, and he did come back to sound after I buted him for several days. So we have a treatment plan that includes pour-in pads, avoiding hard or irregular footing (XC isn't necessarily irregular; I'll avoid the dry, rutted pastures though), and close monitoring. If he deteriorates to a point at which he can't jump without pain any more, then we won't jump any more. If he deteriorates to a point at which he can't be ridden without pain any more, I'll retire him. And if he can't move at all without pain, I'll take the pain on me and let him go.
Signs point to successful management right now. So we're not going to consider the worst case scenario, just know what we'll do if it comes about.
We also did a titer for EPM, which came back kind of bafflingly - two of his levels indicate non-problem, one is elevated. His inflammation marker was high, but then again, we know that he had some inflammation going on based on the rads. Pedal osteitis, is what the vet called it.
So the plan for that is "wait and see." More like wait, keep him as healthy and fit as humanly and equinely possible, feed him until he pops, and if he shows symptoms or deteriorates inexplicably, then start treating.
And yes, feed him. Vet said she thought the roach in his back was a combination of inflammation and needing weight on. Apollo is very much enjoying the heaping piles of food he's getting now! He now gets:
Pasture 24/7 (not really good quality, but green growing forage, as much as he wants)
3 qt Strategy Healthy Edge
1.5 qt beet pulp, soaked
1.5 qt alfalfa pellets
1/2 scoop electrolytes
2 scoop Cool Calories
2000 IU vitamin E
4.5 qt Strategy Healthy Edge
1.5 qt beet pulp, soaked
1/2 scoop electrolytes
2 scoop Cool Calories
2000 IU vitamin E
1 scoop Nu-Hoof Maximizer
2 flakes alfalfa hay in a nibble net
grass hay to fill out the nibble net
This seems like a LOT to me ... but he is perking up, seeming shinier and more cheerful, so I think he's feeling good. He's sound again, which can't be hurting his attitude either. I'd be interested in recommendations for supplements, especially herbal, and must have science to back it up, that help reduce general inflammation.
And I'll be getting alfalfa to feed him through the winter, too, rather than just the grass hay. I just don't think he does as well on grass hay. *shrug* This might be my horse-owner idiosyncrasy, though. Everybody's got at least one conviction or habit or practice that's considered weird in their area, and alfalfa hay is mine. The idea scandalizes people around here, that horses can just eat alfalfa. SMH. I'll own it: I'm weird.
But my horse won't be thin any more. :)
He was rather sounder on Wednesday for the vet but not totally sound, so hot nail was the diagnosis. Rads didn't show any abscessing, buuuuuut ... he does have mild navicular disease in that RF.
Sigh. Now, navicular isn't the doom it was 20 years ago, but it's not nothing either. Fortunately it's mild, and he did come back to sound after I buted him for several days. So we have a treatment plan that includes pour-in pads, avoiding hard or irregular footing (XC isn't necessarily irregular; I'll avoid the dry, rutted pastures though), and close monitoring. If he deteriorates to a point at which he can't jump without pain any more, then we won't jump any more. If he deteriorates to a point at which he can't be ridden without pain any more, I'll retire him. And if he can't move at all without pain, I'll take the pain on me and let him go.
Signs point to successful management right now. So we're not going to consider the worst case scenario, just know what we'll do if it comes about.
We also did a titer for EPM, which came back kind of bafflingly - two of his levels indicate non-problem, one is elevated. His inflammation marker was high, but then again, we know that he had some inflammation going on based on the rads. Pedal osteitis, is what the vet called it.
So the plan for that is "wait and see." More like wait, keep him as healthy and fit as humanly and equinely possible, feed him until he pops, and if he shows symptoms or deteriorates inexplicably, then start treating.
And yes, feed him. Vet said she thought the roach in his back was a combination of inflammation and needing weight on. Apollo is very much enjoying the heaping piles of food he's getting now! He now gets:
Pasture 24/7 (not really good quality, but green growing forage, as much as he wants)
3 qt Strategy Healthy Edge
1.5 qt beet pulp, soaked
1.5 qt alfalfa pellets
1/2 scoop electrolytes
2 scoop Cool Calories
2000 IU vitamin E
4.5 qt Strategy Healthy Edge
1.5 qt beet pulp, soaked
1/2 scoop electrolytes
2 scoop Cool Calories
2000 IU vitamin E
1 scoop Nu-Hoof Maximizer
2 flakes alfalfa hay in a nibble net
grass hay to fill out the nibble net
This seems like a LOT to me ... but he is perking up, seeming shinier and more cheerful, so I think he's feeling good. He's sound again, which can't be hurting his attitude either. I'd be interested in recommendations for supplements, especially herbal, and must have science to back it up, that help reduce general inflammation.
And I'll be getting alfalfa to feed him through the winter, too, rather than just the grass hay. I just don't think he does as well on grass hay. *shrug* This might be my horse-owner idiosyncrasy, though. Everybody's got at least one conviction or habit or practice that's considered weird in their area, and alfalfa hay is mine. The idea scandalizes people around here, that horses can just eat alfalfa. SMH. I'll own it: I'm weird.
But my horse won't be thin any more. :)
Monday, June 29, 2015
Enter a contest!
Contest time at All In! 700 entries ... Karley is really good about blogging regularly, and she and Henry are a great team! Go read her entry, and check out this contest!
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