- I want to ride tonight.
- I didn't ride last night.
- Or the night before.
- I got to work late today.
- If I stay in the office until it's officially quitting time, it'll be too late to ride.
- I don't know if I have enough warm clothes in my riding bag - I planned it for yesterday, when I wore a warm thermal under my vest for work.
- I would usually just ride in whatever I wore to work, but today I am wearing a white sweatshirt that I don't want ruined.
- I need to ride, not just want: two days off is enough for both me and Apollo.
- If I go home between work and barn, it's 15-20 minutes out of my way if I just grab an extra shirt, 30 if I change and get the dogs.
- Things go better if I just go straight from work to the barn.
- The corgis would benefit from some running around time.
Okay, given that assortment of facts, I think I've made my evening's plan: leave here at 5, go by home, change and get dogs, then go to the barn. Getting to the barn at 6:30 won't kill me. It may even make me stronger. ;)
Plus, after yesterday, I really do need to ride. I had gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep the night before, work was irritating, and I was generally so out of sorts that I was liable to pick a fight, or at the very least frustrate my poor horse and end up with a bad ride. A book, a few tacos, and some horizontal time took care of that, and now I'm itching to ride again. I bet Apollo would like to be bothered too, seeing as horse-bothering tends to come with plenty of carrots.
I really need to take more pictures, make this blog more interesting! I'm just not the photo sort ...