Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Option 2 worked. I even got to eat dinner. :)

The fly sheet I got, a Bucas Buzz Off, is fancier than I expected. It's a full neck sheet, and I could hook it to his fly mask as well. I have to laugh: he looks like an alien. XD

Linkage to fly sheet  (I got it on significant sale from my FLTS)

I'll get pictures if I can. Meanwhile, tea, dog appreciation hour, and bed.


  1. he needs the leg things too.. then he will really be outfitted haha jk!! :)

    Glad your night went well!

  2. Hahaha -- now that would deserve the ribbing I'd get from folks. :) I just diluted my fly spray and put a light mist on his legs. We'll see how it goes!

  3. Ha. I bet Cuna wants one of those. It has great coverage. Let me know if it rubs...
